Friday 22 July 2011

First stop: Anatomy p.1

Am i the only one feeling 'drawn in' by this eye?
They say that the eyes lead to a persons soul...This eye study is the first of many that i will be making over the next few days(or weeks). I owe this rather spectacular result to the video tutorials of Sycra (found on Youtube via a Google search), who explains that the eye begins with a sphere, rather than the actual shape of the eye that we see here.
If anybody is curious to see Sycra's work and tutorials, below are the links to the video tutorials and his deviantArt profile. Truly amazing art work.

Sycra @ deviantArt.
Sycra @ Youtube.

I won't say that this was a speedy process, in fact it was anything BUT that. I began this after noon, and finished editing it five minutes ago, (18:20 PM) meaning that it took around six hours before i was happy with what i saw, and those six hours really paid off because i am now so much more confident in the creation of the eye.
My next step will be a pair of eyes, and eyes in different 'poses', or 'positions' i.e shock, happy, angry, profile etc and these will be added more than likely to this entry, instead of a separate one.
So, for now at least, i will say goodbye.
Until next time!

(UPDATE: 24/7)
More eyes! Practice does make perfect, after all...this time FIVE eyes, different colours and different positions, using a method that i picked up from the wonderful Sycra, once again using his fantastic videos. This piece didn't take as long as the last one did, i think because i am more confident now :)
In order of creation: Black, brown, green, blue, red. The most interesting probably to do was Blue. This was also a nice opportunity to experiment with coloured pupils.
In all honesty, i still prefer my first eye, i guess because i put more detail into it, and i relied heavily on the video process mentioned earlier, whereas THIS time, the only reference i made to the videos was when i was unsure on the positioning of things like the eyebrows and the light reflection.
I already have my next piece lined up! I'm quite looking forward to beginning it, for the first time i will be using reference pictures, and again using this wonderful technique.
If you are a member of deviantArt, i have too joined the community in a hope of drawing more people to this here blog, and get more viewers for my work :D Below is the link to my page :)


So, once again i bid farewell to you, if you have found this in any way interesting, be sure to leave some comments, just so i know that people (other than me) are viewing this blog :) 

(UPDATE: 28/07)

A slight update, my newest eye practice can now be viewed, a long with my other works so far on my deviant Art account mentioned above. I am unable to post it here for the moment, because i used some reference images from dA, and i want to fully respect the rights of the stock providers. So, in short, i am awaiting conformation that i will be able to post the piece outside of dA.
Ta-ta for now :) 
(UPDATE: 29/07)

More eyes! And my last for a little while. Not much to say this time, other than enjoy, and be sure to check out my dA, link is above in the massive caps ;3 bai-bai *wave*


  1. Thanks! Great to know..more stuff coming soon!
    --watch this space!--
